First of all, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. Whether you're a mom to three, a new mom, an experienced mom, a mother to pets or simply have a mom -- to all women out there -- enjoy your special day!
Secondly, what a better way to celebrate the important women in our life than with a special gift from the heart. Isn't it mostly true that a handmade gift is the best gift? It comes all out of love every single time.
Now, one of my favorite gifts to share with a mother, a special friend (or really anyone you love) ... drum roll ... is my "Many Memories" scrapbook.
The "Many Memories" scrapbook is easy, easy, easy. Make this gift for a mother/friend/etc for her birthday, a special occassion or an anniversary. I start by compiling a list of email address, facebook profiles, snail mail addresses, etc. You have to do this in a sneaky way so your gift receiver does not to find out. Next, contact as many people as you can and let them know you are making a special memory book for your mom (or another recipient, but we'll say mom in honor of Mother's Day) and you need their help! You'd like them to help you by writing a special letter, sending photos, sharing a funny story, a quote or anything that reminds them of your mom. They can send it to you via email or mail. It's as easy as that! Have people your mom knows submit "memories" for a special book.
Once everything (pictures, cards, stories, memories, quotes, birthday wishes, etc) has been collected, compile everything into a scrapbook!
Easy, easy, easy. And, fun, too! Plus, you might learn a thing or two about your mother's past you didn't know ;) that will leave you laughing and smiling about how special she truly is.
Here's a preview and a few helpful tips and ideas on how to format your "Many Memories" scrapbook.
The book --- just a simple scrapbook.

I actually made this book for my mother-in-laws 50th birthday and decided as an extra special touch, I'd find a "Remember When" book for her to look at and remember how much things have changed in 50 years.

Two-page spreads work great for long letters and several photo submissions.

Snail mail cards and homemade letters.

Pictures, quotes, funny stories - and tons of stickers (snag them at Michael's or Joanns 50% ahead of time).

This "Many Memories" book is definitely a gift from the heart and will surely bring your mother tears, laughter, and joy.